Monday, October 18, 2010

A Start and a Challenge!

Ok, so I'll say that tomorrow is my official start, considering I did NOT do well today. I would like to start out challenging myself with something. NO FAST FOOD! This is a weakness of mine, and I'll tell you I do believe that McDonald's has some sort of "Food Crack" that causes people to be addicted. So my first personal challenge will be no more fast food. I can still have a sit down dinner where I can think about what I'm ordering and make a good decision, but no fast food. It is so easy to drive up to the speaker and say " I'd like a #10" Or whatever. There is NO THOUGHT behind it at all. That is dangerous, and that is how I got to 235lbs.


  1. You can do this!!! I started at 247 and am now 163.4 to be exact ;) YOU CAN DO THIS! DONT EVER tell yourself anything but that, and if you mess up one day, GET BACK ON IT the next. And I agree...Fast food does have fast food crack..its called MSG and salt..youll be AMAZED at the process of Detoxing from all that fat does...I literally sat on the couch and cried for my DH to go get me a hamburger the first week...and you will go thru a morning process too...its weird what kind of addiction we have to food... Ill pray for you guys !! Keep us updated!
    Diva LOVE

  2. Good luck! I have the same problem. I pass a McD and a Tim Horton's taking my oldest to school every morning. It's so easy to pop through drive through and get "just one thing".
